Monday, July 9, 2007

Stevie Joe Witnesses End of the Twins Caper

This morning down at the Junebug Cafe and Internet Lounge, Junior and Dickie Jensen arrived as themselves and not their identical twin alter-egos. They finally confessed that, yes, they had indeed made up the whole thing.

Apparently, Dickie had been reading the internet again (which is always a dangerous proposition). He found a website that explained how to continue receiving welfare benefits after yours had run out. Unfortunately, our two numbskulls failed to comprehend the finer points of identity theft.

Oh, by the way, Prudy was not in on this caper. Trudy actually is her identical twin sister. Both of them were at the cafe this morning, and it did not appear to be an optical illusion.

What a long, strange trip it's been,
Stevie Joe Parker

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